The kitchen cabinets arrived in late July. Shelley Little of Kitchen and Bath Design in Port Townsend had them shipped to our rental house, whose garage has become a large storage locker. The cabinets are Medallion Brand, Gold Series (semi custom), with plywood boxes, quarter-sawn oak, and a nice pattern on the glass door fronts and cabinet ends. They have a vineyard color stain, so they are rather dark. Conversely, the island cabinets are also quarter-sawn oak (parallel grain), but finished off in natural color (lacquer). They looked great in the show room and we don't think we'll be disappointed when they get installed this fall.

The freight truck brought about 40 box all told. Some were really big (the refrigerator and double oven case), most were medium size (base cabinets), and the others were smaller (upper cabinets and parts of the island). Somehow we're supposed to screw them together and to the walls and end up with a large L-shaped kitchen that fits exactly into the space provided. The island is a little easier because it just have to go over the plumbing stubouts and electrical lines.
We have 30 days (until mid August) to check over all the cabinets for damage or flaws. Nancy and I have been going through them in the evenings, wine glasses in hand (they are Vineyard color, for gosh sakes). We opened about 30 of the 40 boxes and everything was fine. Well packed, with cardboard corners to protect them and tightly bound in the boxes. Not bag for having been shipped from Michigan.
Now we have to figure out how to get Bill Hart (Nancy's dad) up here to supervise the installation of all the cabinets. No looking for manual labor Bill, just sit back in a lawn chair and supervise the install. Couldn't be easier, and you'll get a chance to see Port Townsend, all the boats, and have some fine food and weather. I'm thinking we'll need you in mid to late October, since we need (want) to move in around Halloween. Trick or treat.