You know that old saying: Money talks and bullshit walks. Well, we decided to pay to have the 1599 sq. ft of Hardiboard installed on the rear of the house so some real progress is being made now (to placate the Arch. Comm). Troy Ellis (of framing fame) gave us a bid that worked out to roughly a $1/square foot plus $100 for layout of the Hardiboard. Hired and underway. It will take him about 3 weekends to finish the job, which frees us to hang shingles. So far it looks great. Straight even rows, which isn't easy since the north side of the house is 88 ft long. 1/4" of deviation shows up like a sore (festered) thumb.

Nancy started dipping these yesterday and got a little more than a square done (there are 20 squares to do). That is 150-200 shingles, which are now lying up against anything vertical in the garages (walls, shingle stack, sawhorses, etc.) After these dry in few days, I put them up and she'll dip another batch. At this amazing rate, she'll have them all dipped in about 6 weeks, are around our Aug 5th deadline to complete the exterior of the house. Meanwhile, I'm putting up corbels, diddling with the electrical, and completing some loose plumbing ends. The septic system is due to be installed later this month, so dirt will be flying soon.