Some unknown person has posted a couple comments in Japanese(?), which aren't really helpful. So I changed the comments section to only allow registered followers to post comments.
關鍵字行銷 網路行銷 軟體行銷 搬家 活水機 濾水器 淨水器 1069 GUCCI GUCCI包 GUCCI包包 LV包 LV LV包包 除腳臭 自慰器 情趣用品 情趣商品 跳蛋 按摩棒 高雄監視器 監視器 監視器材 監視攝影 網路創業 當鋪 當舖 流當品 特賣會 團體服 免費廣告 佛具 加盟 臭臭鍋 加盟 火鍋 期貨 婚紗 情趣用品 情趣 女人徵信 女人徵信 女人徵信 女人徵信 女人徵信 減肥 豐胸 整形 電波拉皮 雷射溶脂 飛梭雷射 私密處保養
Building a House in Kala Point, Port Townsend, WA

A running narrative of first-time builders of their retirement home in Port Townsend, WA (NE corner of the Olympic Pennisula, 60 miles NW of Seattle). Follow us as this adventure unfolds in late 2008 and beyond. 18 months under construction, we moved in on May 25th, 2010. Photo taken August 15, 2010.
Search This Blog
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Blog Archive
- Big progress today (Day 510)
- Thanks, but no thanks (Day 507)
- Spring has sprung (Day 507)
- Plastering, second round (Day 505)
- Day 500 (March 20th)
- Master Bath Tile (Day 498)
- You Know You're A Contractor If (Day 495)
- Plastered all weekend (Day 494)
- The big bad wolf (Day 489)
- The Occupancy Permit (Day 486)
- Getting Plastered (Day 485)
- The Great Wall (Day 483)
Subcontractors and Suppliers
- Balco Excav. (land clearing, Bill Snyder)
- Bill McCutchen's Mill (cedar trim)
- Blake Tile and Stone, Sequim (Judy Reno, Eldorado Stone, Tile)
- Bob Brown Plumbing (Bob & Josh Brown)
- Boise Cascade joists (from Carls)
- Carl's Building Supply (Mike, Melissa, Michele, Terry & Lawrence)
- Castlerock Landscaping (Tim Hamm, Sequim)
- Cotton RediMix (concrete and gravel)
- Craighead Electric (Gary Estes)
- Custom Hearth (propane fireplaces), Pousbo
- Daltile (Seattle, Wedi board)
- Discount Cabinets of Washington (Sequim)
- Discovery Bay Materials (gravel, top soil)
- Earl Kong (professional forester, PT))
- EcoHaus (Amer. Clay Plaster, cork flooring)
- Ellis Construction (Gary and Troy Ellis, framing)
- Evergreen Products (Drywall, Sequim)
- Fergusons, Seattle (Plumbing fixtures, Bud Allen Wright)
- FInlandia Saunas (Tigard, OR)
- Fitzgerald Concrete (driveway, Mike Fitzgerald)
- Four Corners Nursery (trees, Port Hadlock)
- Frank Feltes Custom Drywall and Painting (drywall and painting)
- Frank Ward and Wayne Jobst (Stone masons)
- Fredricks Appliances (Redmond, all appliances)
- Giraffe Gutters (Dan Shaw, Chimicum)
- Glass Etchings by Perrett (Jerry Perrett)
- Hadlock Building Supply (bits and pieces)
- Hardiboard, siding, backer board (from Carls and Home Depot)
- Henerys Hardware (Cabot stain, misc. fasteners)
- Hi-Tech Electronics (Audio & Media, Port Angeles)
- Hide-A-Hose (Joseph, A-B Vacuum, Puyallup, WA)
- Home Depot (electrical & plumbing supplies, interior paint)
- Home Storage Solutions (John Plake, PT)
- Hope Roofing (Pabco Paramont Advantage shingles)
- Jim's Tool Time (J. Quandt, misc. carpentry)
- K&D Concrete (Don McNeese)
- Kitchen and Bath Studio (Shelly Little, cabinets)
- Levi's Energy Services LLC (radiant design, vents, propane piping)
- Meta Marble and Granite (travertine), Seattle
- Michaelangelo (sepentinite), Seattle
- Mikael Brostrom (Structural Engineer)
- Mills Interiors (wood flooring, some tile)
- North Coast Electrical (Electrical Supplies)
- Olympic Garage Doors (Sequim)
- Penisula Flooring (carpet)
- Penisula Shower and Mirror (Sequim)
- PexSupply (online plumbing and radiant supplies)
- Puget Sound Power (and Atelco installers)
- Richard Berg Architects (Richard and Darlene)
- Richard Gifford Construction (septic, dry wells and grading)
- Richerts Marble and Granite (countertop fabricators)
- Seattle Lighting (lighting fixtures)
- Secret Gardens Nursery (Sheila Piccini)
- Shine Quarry (basalt for landscaping)
- Sierra Pacific Windows (Rob Sorg)
- Simpson Doors (from Carls)
- Simpson Strong Tie (fasteners & hold downs)
- Stewart Excavating (Mark Stewart, foundation)
- Sunshine Propane (propane and tank)
- Therma-Tru Doors (from Carls)
- Tracy's Insulation (batts and blow in)
- Trex Decking (from Carls)
- Trussworks (roof trusses, Carl's)
- Velux (Skylights and Solar tubes, Carls)
- Versalam beams (from Carls)
- Warmboard (Bruce Hull)
- Wisbo Aquipex, Taco Pumps, Polaris tank (Sunshine Propane)
About Me

- Kala Point Builder
- Professional geologist (USGS, 1972-2008), amateur home remodeler and now builder. Interested in sailing, all things involving salt water, woodworking, and food in general. Owner of Paleo Seis Surveys LLC, consulting in Quaternary geology and geological hazards.