When we ordered the window package for the house from Sierra Pacific, the salesman asked me what the jamb thicknesses would be. 5.5 " is the normal answer now days (0.5" drywall, 2 x 6" wall, and 0.5" plywood sheathing). So that's what I put on the list for most of the windows, well at least the fir ones that would be finished off with trim and sills on the inside. I had this vague notion that we'd use rounded drywall corners (and did), so I figured that we'd just wrap the drywall into the window and terminate it against the jamb. Well, you can do that with plastic windows, but not windows with wooden jambs. The upshot is that I have to build jamb extensions for about 15 windows in the house, then trim them out in a conventional manner. Major screw up on my part. This will take me a week extra. I already spent a day doing 3 co-joined clerestory windows in the master bath (10' x 18", overhead location).

To take my mind off this brain fart, I went back to laying the Hardi backer board today. Nancy helped me to the kitchen floor. 14 sheets of 1/4" board, mortared and screwed down. Started at noon and finished 8 boards (120 sq. ft) by about 4 pm, so we should be able to polish off the kitchen tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, the landscape guy is going to bring some one-man boulders over with his tractor and we'll do some rock-wall building. Should be a cinch for an old geologist like me. More on that later (going to the store to buy some Advil).