So the weekend ended pretty well. Wayne the Mason (Franks former assistant, now the main rock layer) showed up at 7:30! with a helper and up they went to start the chimney facing. They loved the big platform we built, so they mixed up some mortar and put the scratch coat on the wire mesh. By noon they had about 1/4 of the chimney finished and broke for lunch. They worked til 3 pm, and promised to be back bright and early on Saturday (today). So far so good, with an expected completion either today or Monday.
Meanwhile Tracy's

insulation guys (Floyd and Brian) showed up at 8 am (early) and off-loaded as much insulation as they could pack in their 16 ft van. They started up stairs with the bedroom and stuffed every little crook and nanny with fiberglass batts. They almost finished up there (except for some 3.5 in sound barrier insulation) and started on the downstairs. They couldn't work the weekend (a funeral, yeah sure) but will be back on Monday and finish it the job on Tuesday. If all goes well, we'll have the insulation inspection and Pex pressure test on that afternoon or Wednesday am, and start the big drywall job. This will take about 4 days to hang and 4 days to tape and finish, so for now the target for a white house is Sept. 28th. Meanwhile, Nancy and I are back to shingles, painting, and prepping the driveway for concrete (after drywall).