As you might recall from last year's blog (Day 262), the 2009 crab season in Port Townsend was a moderate success for this landlubber. Bought a dinghy with a friend, got a crab trap, and learned how to lure those little crustaceans into my trap (chicken legs of thighs work best). Total investment for 2009 was $240 and I harvested 16 crabs (ca. 24 pounds). That's $10/a pound, not as low as market price ($5-8), but approaching it considering that you can't get fresher crab. I bought a second trap setup over the winter; now my total cost is $300, so my price went up to $12.50 per pound. Time to get fishing.
Season 2 started on Thursday, July 1. The forecast is for a good season, so every one of those little buggers I catch will get my per crab price down. Another 16 crabs this year will put me at $6.25/pound and I'll be at the break-even point. Not to mention the whole process, which is priceless. After this season its all gravy, unless the boat sinks or worse. We won't go there for now.

On Thursday pm I got a total of one Dungeness crab, male about 1.5 pounds. Had to toss out a couple females and a couple under size, so it was ok but not great for two traps. My crab buddy, Hugh, has a single smaller trap and he managed to snag 5 crabs, 3 keepers. So I wasn't too pleased with my power effort. However, this Friday evening I hauled up a total of 10 crabs; 5 Dungeness and 1 Rock of legal size (total of 8.5 pounds). All of the sudden, I'm up to 7 crabs (10 pounds) for the 2-day old season and my amortized crab price is down to $8.82/pound. So far so good. Nice detraction from house projects and landscaping. Not that much will get done this holiday weekend. Sunday is the Fiddle Fest, a beach BBQ, and the PT Fireworks display. Monday, I'll be back on the deck extension, now that the Trex has arrived and is patiently awaiting getting screwed (down). More on this later. Ciao, Crabby Mike.
PS. Pulled the traps on Saturday evening and netted another 4 crabs (6 pounds). Now I'm at $300 for 40 pounds = $7.50/pound. However, I'll never equal the Steve Parker deal: 20 pounds of free Alaskan King Crab legs for free in the winter of 2006; the result of a tractor-trailer accident and the cause of many poker parties with crab legs. Remember, Ken?
PPS. Its Saturday, July 10, the end of the second week of crabbing. Total to date is 18 Dungeness and 2 Rock crabs. This is 4 more crabs than I caught all last season, so its a bountiful year. A financial update: 36 crabs (54 pounds), $300 invested, for a per pound price of $5.55. Safeway had them on sale for $5 ($5.42 w tax), so I'm about one crab from paying off my boat, traps, and line investment. Its gravy from here on.